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Higham Lane School

Higham Lane School


Photography FAQs

Do I need a camera?

You will need a camera of some sort.  We work with most types of camera from smart phone to digital SLRs. 


What will I take photos of?

We cover a range of projects from Portraiture, still life, commercial, abstract and montage.  We let our students choose their project themes so it could also be a theme like environmental change, body image or identity.   The possibilities are endless.


What will I learn in photography?

We teach you basic compositional techniques such as camera position and rule of thirds.  This coupled with basic Photoshop skills give you the initial tools to take striking photographs and edit them to enhance them.  We then guide you to consider other involving physical manipulation of the photograph or the use of apps.

Year 9 Curriculum

In Year 9, students will learn about technical and creative aspects of photography and taking a photograph. We encourage students to begin to explore different ways of seeing and representing the world around them. Through exploring different photographers and their styles of captivating images. Students will learn how to take photographs accurately and build up skills using Photoshop to develop their own photographs in a creative setting.

Year 10 Curriculum

Students will use their knowledge and skills from Year 9 when starting their coursework project (60% of their overall grade). Throughout Year 10, students will build up a portfolio of work focussing on marking objectives A01, A02 and A03. They will have a choice of themes and photographers to influence their project, making every project personal.

Year 11 Curriculum

The Autumn term will be used to complete and refine their coursework. Students will then create a final piece using inspiration from their photographer’s techniques and their own ideas. This will cover the final marking objective A04. All coursework must be completed by Christmas.

In the Spring term of Year 11, students are issued with the GCSE Photography exam paper where they have a practical exam project build up over 10 weeks, followed by a 10-hour exam (split over two days). This will make up the remaining 40% of their overall grade.


S Ivens, Subject Leader for Photography