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Higham Lane School

Higham Lane School

Consultation in relation to Michael Drayton Junior School joining Central England Academy Trust.


Central England Academy Trust is commencing a consultation with all of our stakeholders on the proposal for Michael Drayton Junior School to join our Trust from September 2025. The consultation will run for 4 weeks from Friday 14th March until 3pm on Friday 11th April.


As a Nuneaton-based Trust, it is our vision to work with and serve our local community. We currently have two special schools (Oak Wood Primary and Oak Wood Secondary) and two mainstream secondary schools (Higham Lane School and Higham Lane North Academy) in our Trust, and are excited by the opportunity to welcome a mainstream primary school that shares our core vision and values into our family of schools.

The benefits of Michael Drayton Junior School joining our Trust

The addition of Michael Drayton Junior School will add strength to our Trust in a number of ways, including:

✓ Enhanced curriculum provision and opportunities

✓ Additional capacity to deliver high quality services to our schools

✓ Adding mainstream primary provision to our offer

✓ Increased presence and influence in our local area, as well as with Warwickshire County Council

✓ Michael Drayton has a positive and strong reputation

✓ Planned and formalised transition process for pupils moving on to one of our mainstream secondary schools

✓ Additional leadership strength, in particular around curriculum and educational provision

✓ Increased opportunities for our pupils and staff across our existing schools to work in collaboration (for example professional development opportunities for staff and the sharing of best practice; wider curriculum opportunities for our pupils)

Where to find more information out about Michael Drayton School

More information about Michael Drayton Junior School can be found on their website:

Information that will inform the Trust’s decision-making

Central England Academy Trust are now embarking on a comprehensive due diligence process to identify any risks that need considering (for example the school’s financial position, any issues with the school buildings and site etc) alongside this consultation, and the outcome of both processes will be considered by trustees who will make the final decision about whether or not we proceed with this proposal as a Trust.

How to respond to this consultation and share your views

Please complete the electronic consultation form (link below) before 3pm on Friday 11th April:

Responses will be collated and shared via our Trust website:


Yours faithfully

Andrew Dickinson



Central England Academy Trust.