Remote Learning
This page is for information and is updated from time to time. Please check back regularly for new information.
In the event of a full or partial closure, Higham Lane School is committed to providing continuity of education to its students and will do so through a process of remote (online) learning.
All of the remote learning provision will be provided through a combination of the Google Meet (this starts 01/01/22) and Google Classroom platforms.
Please refer to video and PDF guides below for information and support regarding Google Meet and Google Classroom (ending 31/12/21). This guidance explains how students can access Google Meet to join live lessons and Google Classroom for their remote learning class work, and is designed to support both students and parents/carers. Google Classroom enables us to streamline all aspects of school provision through one, central remote learning platform ensuring that expectations are clear for staff, parents and students.
We will use Google Classroom to share resources and, where necessary, direct students to other relevant platforms. Higham Lane School would like to thank parents and carers for the tremendous support and understanding you have shown us, and the way in which you have embraced this new way of working.
Guidance and support can also be found on Higham Lane School's YouTube Channel. Click on the following link