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Higham Lane School

Higham Lane School




What Will You Do? 

You will build on work you have already studied in Music in Key Stage 3. You will want to take GCSE Music if you are interested in and enjoy music, if you currently have music lessons or are learning, or want to play an instrument and if you enjoy performing. You will be able to have lessons in almost any instrument, from bass guitar to djembe drum and from violin to voice. 

By taking GCSE Music you will become: 

  •  An informed performer 
  •  A skilled composer 
  •  An understanding listener 

How Will You Do It? 

Lessons will be a mixture of group and individual practical and listening work. 
The course is divided into the following three units with common links between all units of the course: 
1. Integrated Portfolio (30%):  For this controlled assessment you will record performance pieces of music of your choice on your main instrument or your voice, and you will also have to compose a piece of music for the same instrument. 
2. Practical Component (30%):  For this controlled assessment you will perform pieces of your choice as part of an ensemble (group). You will then have to compose a piece of music using an idea given by the awarding body in Year 11. 
3. Listening and Appraising (40%):  You will study music covering a range of different styles, some modern and some much older; some from the UK, others from around the world. You will learn how to use musical language to describe, explain and examine the music you hear. We will prepare for this using as much practical work as possible, but be prepared to do a little more written work than at Key Stage 3. 

What Qualifications Can You Obtain? 
The course is designed to allow you to work at a level you can cope with and to allow you to show your musical talent. There is only one tier of entry for GCSE Music which can lead to grades 9-1. 

How Will Your Work Be Assessed? 
Your work throughout the course will be assessed by a combination of assessments in school assessed by members of the Music Department and external examination and moderation. 

For more information  please contact Mrs Davenport, Subject Leader for Music or Mrs Watson, Music teacher.

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