Upcoming National Strike - Information

Dear Parent/Carer,
I hope that this message finds you well.
I am writing to update you on the upcoming national strike action to be taken by the National Education Union (NEU) on Wednesday 5th July and Friday 7th July.
The School has been made aware by the NEU that we have a number of teaching members of the union at Higham Lane School. We are unaware of the exact number of teachers striking and we will not find out for certain who is striking until the day of the strike. We have, however, received an indication that there are likely to be more teachers taking strike action next week than on the previous occasion. As a result of this, school leaders have prepared a risk assessment for the School and contingency plans to ensure safe provision for our students during the strike. When considering whether or not to keep the site open during strike action, our priority is to ensure the safety of students and staff.
Having taken all of the relevant factors into consideration, basing a decision on the information we have received from the NEU and in consultation with our Local Governing Body, the School will be open to students in years 10 and 12 only on both Wednesday 5th July and Friday 7th July. This will allow us to accommodate students who will be sitting their external examinations in less than twelve months’ time and also enable practical assessments which are currently being undertaken in a number of Year 10 subjects to take place. In line with government guidance, we will also be offering places to children of critical workers and vulnerable students in other year groups whose parents/carers applied for places in response to our survey yesterday.
Arrangements for Year 10 – Wednesday 5th July and Friday 7th July
Year 10 students should arrive in full school uniform at the normal time and go to the playground for line up as normal. They will follow their normal timetable. If their teacher is striking, then students will be supervised by supply staff or the Senior Leadership Team. Students should bring revision materials and a reading book with them. Food will be available to purchase in the canteen as normal.
Arrangements for Year 12 - Wednesday 5th July and Friday 7th July
Year 12 students should attend their lessons as normal on Wednesday 5th July and Friday 7th July. They must attend unless instructed on Google Classroom that they can study at home. Mr Ladha, our Head of Sixth Form, that morning at the earliest opportunity, will let students know through Google Classroom which subjects are being delivered on-site that day. If their teacher is absent, students, if they wish, are still able to attend Sixth Form and study on-site. Food will be available to purchase in the Sixth Form refectory as normal.
Arrangements for year groups not in school on Wednesday 5th July and Friday 7th July
Further guidance for students learning from home on either day will be provided via Google Classroom. We will also send parents/carers this guidance next week.
We apologise sincerely for any inconvenience caused by the closure of the School to students in certain year groups. This decision has not been taken lightly and it is hoped that in giving you a clear decision, this will enable you to make plans ahead of the day.
For children in receipt of free school meals whose year groups are not in school, our external catering provider has told us that they are unable to provide a packed lunch for students to collect that are not on site for the day of strike action. However, meal vouchers instead will be emailed to you in due course.
We appreciate the disruption caused to you and your son/daughter and thank you for your cooperation and support on this matter.
Kind regards,
Mr Banks
Acting Headteacher