English Literature
How is the different to GCSE English Literature?
There is no correlation between GCSE English Literature and A-Level Literature. English Literature will allow you to explore varied texts across time and genres. The A-Level English Literature course will allow you to discuss current political topics and how writer’s reflect this. The topics that we study we study reflect current issues: social and political issues and aspects of tragedy. You will also get to study a variation of texts from song lyrics to poetry to prose to plays! You will also have the opportunity to write about texts that you enjoy and of your own choice!
Will there be opportunities to explore areas I am interested in?
Yes! The NEA is worth 20% of your A- Level grade and what you write about is completely your choice! You will get to read a range of texts- your choosing- and write two essays. This is the perfect place to develop your critical and academic writing and to read deeply about texts that you enjoy. Teachers will be there to support and guide you. In the past students have written about: 1984, Brave New World, Feminine Gospels and Why does the Caged Bird Sing.
How can I achieve a high grade in this subject?
The key to success in the English Literature A-Level is reading! Understanding the text is the foundation for any student in English Literature. It is about immersing yourself in the subject and ensuring you spend time outside of the classroom consolidating your knowledge and understanding. Within the classroom, you should engage in all debates and listen to other opinions.
What careers can English Literature lead to?
English Literature is considered to be a ‘facilitating subject’ meaning that they are desired by universities as they value the key skills for English. Beyond being an English teacher, English Literature can open the door to an array of amazing careers! Careers are in abundance: teaching, book editor, journalist, research, marketing, advertising, teaching English abroad, digital copywriter and magazine journalist to name a few!
A Level English Literature focuses on a range of wider reading, thus extending students’ experience and appreciation of literature. Offering clear progression from GCSE, A Level English Literature allow students to build on the skills and knowledge already gained and prepare for their next steps. The variety of assessment styles used, such as passage-based questions, unseen material, single text questions, multiple text questions, open- and closed-book approaches, allows students to develop a wide range of skills, such as the ability to read critically, analyse, evaluate and undertake independent research which are valuable for both further study and future employment
Exam Board:
AQA A Level English Literature Spec A (7712)
The course encourages students to respond with knowledge and understanding to a variety of literary texts, of different genres and from different centuries.
For the A Level, students will study a range of poetry, prose and drama texts and analyse a further two texts independently. The theme of the first exam will be Love Through the Ages and the second exam will focus on Texts in Shared Contexts. In addition to this, students will be required to produce a piece of Non-Examined Assessment. Students will be asked to come up with a focus and compare two different genres, this is worth 20%.
A love of reading and analysing texts is central to the course as over the two years students will have studied a range of substantial texts including; one Shakespeare play, two prose texts, pre-1900 poetry and a collection of post-200 poetry, in addition, students will respond to two unseen poems and an unseen extract.
Example texts to be studied:
Love Through the Ages:
Othello, The Great Gatsby, pre-1900 poetry and unseen poems.
Texts in Shared Contexts:
Handmaid's Tale, A Streetcar Named Desire, Feminine Gospels, unseen prose.
Course Details
Paper 1: Love Through the Ages
- Study of Othello
- The Great Gatsby and compare to pre-1900 poem
- Comparison of love in two unseen poems
How is it assessed?
- Written exam: 3 hours
- Closed book - except for Section C
- Worth 40% of the overall grade
Paper 2: Texts in Shared Context
- Handmaid’s Tale
- A Streetcar Name Desire comparison with Feminine Gospels
- Unseen prose
How is it assessed?
- Written exam: 2 hours 30 minutes
- Open book exam
- Worth 40% of the overall grade
Non-exam assessment: Theory and independence
What’s assessed?
- Study of two texts: one poetry OR one prose text OR drama
- One essay of 2,500 words - students choose the focus of the comparison
How is it assessed?
- 20% of A-level Assessed by teachers
- Moderated by AQA
Other Learning Opportunities:
Students will be able to support KS4 students with GCSE studies and lead A Level taster sessions for KS4 students. They will also be encouraged to see live performances of their drama texts and participate in any study opportunities offered by higher educational institutes.
Where next with this course?
A Level English Literature is a highly prized A Level and offers a clear link to a wide range of first degree courses and career opportunities. It is especially sought after by Russell Group Universities. It is also very useful if you are considering degrees in English related courses, education, law, media studies, history, drama, creative writing, journalism or any of the social sciences. Employers value English literature as it demonstrates the ability to synthesise information, explore different points of view, develop a critical approach and express ideas clearly and cogently.
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