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Higham Lane School

Higham Lane School

Parent Forum

At Higham Lane School, we recognise the important part that parents/carers play in their child/children’s education and we want to develop an active partnership to ensure that every child is nurtured to reach their full potential.

Parents/carers and families are arguably the most important influences on children’s lives. Parents/carers who take on a supportive role in their child’s learning make a difference in improving both achievement and behaviour.

In order to develop a relationship of mutual trust and respect, there needs to be effective communication. To enhance the sharing of information between parents/carers and the School, we will hold termly Parent Forum meetings that are open to all parents/carers of Higham Lane students.

These meetings aim to:

  • Enable parents/carers to come together, share ideas and put forward their views to senior members of staff
  • Help develop a partnership between parents/carers and the School, that gives parents/carers a voice and the opportunity to become more involved in school life
  • Allow parents/carers to contribute to the policy and decision making processes on issues which may affect them and their child/children attending Higham Lane School
  • Facilitate parent/carer involvement in improving learning in the School by helping to inform parents about their child/children’s education and the quality of that education

If you would like to make suggestions for future presentations, or discuss any parental/carer concerns, please email us at

MRS DOMIGAN, Assistant Headteacher


Parent Forum - Minutes & Presentations

How Parent/Carers Can Help

A successful education is much more likely if there is a supportive partnership between home and school.

On joining Higham Lane School, all parents/carers and students are asked to sign a Home School Agreement with the School. In addition, we ask you to:


Ensure your child attends regularly and punctually.


Attendance - Regular attendance is extremely important if your child is to make progress. If an absence is known in advance a letter should be sent before the day of absence. In other cases of absence the school must be contacted on the first day of absence.


The School Attendance target is 97% and we will inform parents/carers whose child’s attendance falls below 95%.


If students choose to miss school deliberately the absence will be classed as unauthorised which is truancy. A child’s absence from school may also be registered as unauthorised if the school does not accept the reason given for the absence and a medical note may be required to validate the absence. Unauthorised absence may also be referred to the Attendance Compliance Service (ACE)


Punctuality - Students should be encouraged to be on time for registration and lessons. Late arrival is recorded and students are punished appropriately.


Check that your child is properly dressed for School.


High standards of appearance are expected from all students. Full details about our expectations on uniform, jewellery, make up and hairstyles are sent to parents/carers.


Check that your child is receiving and completing homework.


Homework - All students are expected to do homework. It provides an opportunity for them to widen their knowledge, extend their learning, and engage in independent learning and practise skills. Every student has a Student Organiser, which parents/carers are asked to sign each week to show that they are monitoring their child's work.


Maintain regular contact with the school


Parents/carers are always welcome to visit the School by making an appointment with the relevant Progress Leader. In addition parents/carers are encouraged to attend Parents' Evenings, target setting interviews and careers guidance sessions.


Support our rules on Behaviour for Learning


We aim for a pleasant, purpose ful learning environment and our rules are designed to help maintain such an atmosphere for the benefit of the whole school community. Our Behaviour for Learning Policy is specifically designed to encourage students to behave well and work hard. We work most effectively when there is a shared expectation between the school and parents/carers about high standards of behaviour and effort.